The contents of this website are for informational purposes only. Coping Smart does not diagnose or treat any medical or psychological condition. This information is not a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Diagnosis of health and medical concerns should be done by a medical professional. Subscribing to the newsletter, reading the blog, viewing videos, or interacting with Becki Pickett and Coping Smart LLC via comments, email, postings, or online life strategy sessions or programs does not constitute receiving treatment from or entering into a therapeutic relationship. Becki Pickett and Coping Smart LLC are not responsible for any adverse effects resulting from your use of any information contained on this website and accept no responsibility for any harm, real or imagined, or actions, choices, or decisions taken by you or anyone associated with you from the use and dissemination of the information provided.

Use of Coping Smart website, life strategy sessions, and all provided materials constitutes your agreement to these terms.