Coping Smart.

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Chasing Calm

Okay. You’ve done all of the things the experts have told you to do to get to a place of calm. But, you can’t seem to find it. Yoga, deep breathing, meditation, grounding with nature, mindfulness, gratitude journaling made you feel a little better. For a little while. You’re pretty positive at this point that the positivity has lost its mojo. Well, the beauty of mojo is you can get it back.

Some days you do pretty well with all that you’re asked to handle. You make some progress at ignoring the doom by not scrolling the news feed so much.

Then all hell breaks loose.

You watch those wretched numbers of bad news rolling up higher and higher on the screen. It looks like a telethon board tracking contributions being raised only now what’s being counted is your escalating anxiety level.

Where’s your calm?

Take a minute to think of the funny videos you’ve watched or the times you’ve seen your own dog chase its tail. Round and round they go to the point of absurdity. They keep it up and get nowhere. You think how silly. That dog has no idea that its tail is part of them. No need to chase it. It’s always there.

Like that dog’s tail, your place of calm is an inseparable part of you. It isn’t out there somewhere waiting to be discovered. You don’t have to go outside of yourself to find it. It’s not in a class or online or on a podcast. Those can help you tap into the source for sure, but you have a calm place within you. That’s not toxic positivity. It’s fact.

In the same way you find what you need inside of you to meet a work deadline, or stay away from your grandparents for months to keep them healthy, or play Uno for the gazillionth time with your kids, or keep your sanity when it seems so many in the world have lost theirs, you find calm. It’s there. You do it. 

Think of it as another line of defense. Think of it as a safe practice for your soul. Think of it as a natural resource. Think of it as part of your DNA as undeniable as your eye color. It’s like your courage, your generosity, your tenacity, your stubbornness, your sweetness. You don’t get those from an online store. They’re inseparable parts of you. You don’t have to chase down the calm you need.

Forget the chase. You’re too tired to chase anything. Your mind is too busy constantly thinking.

So, make that work for you. Think of times you’ve tapped into calm before. Think of the times you’ve surprised yourself and been strong. That’s the key. Take a moment to think.

Claim your calm. You’ll find that it comes with its own powerful mojo.