Coping Smart.

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Anxiety Pushback

Chances are that you’re suffering from an anxiety hangover. A steady intake of worry chased with uncertainty has left you an emotional mess. You woke up after spending weeks or months in anticipation of what’s next. That anticipation bender has you saying, Now what?

One problem leads to another. You can’t concentrate on getting over one before another happens. Then the reoccurring disappointment seeps in and the question that bombards your mind is, What now?

Your emotionally hungover mind is filled with brain fog and the answers are obscured. What you do know is that you want to feel better.


You’ve been over-served. Twice. Too much stress followed with the positivity cocktail of just breathe deep and all will be well sounded good and even felt good for a while. But, there’s more to it.

I know you think I’m about to tell you that you have to do the work.

No way.

I know the last thing you need is more work to do because you’re already too exhausted trying to keep it together.

Instead, the main ingredient of my anxiety hangover remedy action. Doesn’t that sound like a choice rather than a command to work hard? The call is yours.

Taking action can be as small a step as saying that you’re tired of being tired. Give the feeling a name. Give the stress a voice that can be clearly heard. You don’t have to tell anyone else unless you need their cooperation. Check in with you. Validate you.

Of course you’re stressed. Look what you’ve been through.

The kicker is you don’t have to stay that way. You’re in charge even if you don’t feel it yet. If better hasn’t come to you then push back against the idea that it won’t.

Let’s get you an antidote. Here’s my recipe for Anxiety Pushback.

Take time to settle your mind. Remind yourself that you’ve experienced this before and came out on the other side. Add a big chunk of focus on what’s right in front of you, not on the totality of what you imagine. Combine with realistic expectations of outcomes you can bring about. Throw in some patience. Sweeten with some self-mercy. Then let it rest. Let yourself rest in it. Take it in. Give it time.

While you wait, celebrate any and every moment that you feel relief no matter how brief. You’re building resilience. Resilience is good resistance. Give anxiety a big pushback so you can move forward.